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Is GoHiiT better than the 7 minute workout?

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There are lots of short workout apps available on the app store. Why is GoHiiT different or any better? There is nothing wrong with short workouts and we believe in High Intensity bursts of exercise. However 7 minutes enough? Some of the research suggests it is enough. But is that the only reason we work

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Should I tell my trainer I have been using GoHiiT?

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Using GoHiiT is perfect if you have a personal trainer. Take a couple of minutes at the end of each training session to get your trainer to set a new workout for you. Your trainer can run through ways of doing each exercise, show you some good variations that are in line with your fitness

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Why GoHiiT isn’t free!

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There is much written about whether an app should be free or whether you should pay for it. We looked carefully at our business plan when we started GoHiiT and we wanted to bring people a quality product. We considered the free exercise apps out there on the market and found two resounding trends –

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